Monday, December 7, 2009

Sam's Great Wolf Lodge Birthday

These clips are just a slice of the fun Sam had in Dallas for his 2nd birthday. Sam LOVED the indoor waterpark! Oh, and these clips have music set to them - I love My Morning Jacket and had to use them in clip.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Redhawks Baseball Game

This is a video of Sam at a Redhawks game (minor league baseball team in OKC). At the beginning of the video Sam is crying because he can tell the game has started and Daddy had not returned with the tickets yet. So, he is yelling about the "base-e-balle" (Italian accent).

Monday, July 13, 2009

Thursday, April 2, 2009

15 Whole Months of this Crazy Kid!!!

This is a long clip (6 min.) but it is so funny! 1. Sam loves t-ball. 2. and 3. Stevie Wonder and Dan Akroyd from the Blues Brothers have been teaching my kid dance moves. I taped this twice because it is great! 4. Sam is showing off all the great things he learns at home...nothing useful in the real world. Oh, and just to let you know...Sam loves to see himself in the camera so I have to turn the screen around - that is why he laughs and looks like he is looking off to the side from time to time in the last clip.

Friday, February 6, 2009